Join Us in Worship

All are welcome here

Our worship is rooted in how God’s grace comes to us in Word and Sacrament. It is liturgical, scriptural, and catholic. Within this broad Christian worship tradition, we practice different styles appropriate to the seasons of the Church Year. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

Typical Worship Schedule
(August – May, Purdue’s Academic Year)

First Worship Service
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Vibrant traditional Lutheran liturgy with music led by the organ in a full eucharist service. Join us in person (300 W Fowler Ave) or virtually.

Second Worship Service
Will resume August 18th, 2024

Breaking Bread is an experiential service following the pattern of Lutheran worship. Breaking Bread is centered in the word of God experienced around a table with conversation and a meal.

During the Summer
(Mid-May through Mid-August)

Single Worship Service
10:00 – 11:00 am

Worship style varies through the summer. Join us in person (300 W Fowler Ave) or virtually.

Fellowship time always follows the first (or single) service.

Simply curious or seriously committed,

blessed or broken, loved or lonely,

 all are welcome here,

no exceptions.

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